Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Ignorance the bliss

I was just awake. Looked outside it was still dark. Felt something wrong with this morning. Morning .. is it morning .. or its evening. I slept at yesterday evening or this evening.. damn it I lost my sense of time.
I looked for my watch. I do not know where it is. Hey I can't hear either. Can I speak atleast ? Why to give a try? if i can't hear myslef then how will i know if i can speak or not :( what kinda hell i am in !!!
I got up and asked, "sir, is it evening?". Got replied "Yes". Me,"So It's not morning". Got an expression, "What kind of idiot u r! ".
I was so worried. Now I slept in the evening what will i do in all of night :( If i keep watching movies and friends whole night people will think that I am stupid. (which I want them to figure out their own :) )
So what to do now? What do I do everyday this time? Oh, I go to IC. IC n now.. I don't even know if I am hungry or not. Even if I am, do I eat there .. honestly I dont remember. No, let's go to IC and enjoy the food!
N trust me it is the most pleasant evening i ever spent in my life... U r just awake and u have no tension no worries. and the cold breeze .. n it's sprinkling .. the smell of wet soil .. cycling on a lonely road.. and the ignorance .. the bliss


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