Thunders of Zeus

It takes you to the peak of Mount Olympus, at a height of 30 metres, lifts you slowly. Higher you are longer you fall! Slower you go longer it takes. Every second feels like ages. You reach at the top. Only thing you expect is fall. Speed of 80 kph. 1.2 km in 1 minute 40 seconds. No time to think. Just feel the thrill. The longest wooden roller coaster in the world - Thunders of Zeus.
Sharp curves, steep inclines, abrupt and extrerme changes, up and down and the wooden effect. Strange noise, shouting, yelling. You can trust the roller coaster, old wooden material, the technology but what about your own heart ;)
How many seconds of my life I lived like that? Not much but yeah I enjoyed it. Thunders of Zeus - my most favourite roller coaster ride ever [:)]